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Purchase Bitcoin Generator Software

Purchase Bitcoin Generator Software

Description of Bitcoin Generator Software

Purchase bitcoin generator software from the most experienced program on the web. We sell fake BTC sending tool at a good price.

Have you been cheated by any bitcoin investment site and want to get back your funds? Do you need a bitcoin private key to any non-spendable address imported in blockchain with a watch-only status? Do you wish to prank your friends with huge sums of bitcoins?  If your answer to any of these is a yes, then this is your perfect opportunity. Recover your lost funds in minutes with a fake bitcoin generator.

Uses Of Fake Bitcoin Generator Tool

A Fake bitcoin generating tool offers you protection

A Fake bitcoin tool actually offers you an additional layer of protection as you can use it to access websites that require a valid Bitcoin address without giving your actual bitcoin address.

In the 21st century, there are several scammers online and sometimes you may not be 100% certain that a person doing transactions with is genuine and not out to defraud you. With the fake Bitcoin generator, you can give them a valid and unique address for access without giving out your actual Bitcoin address where you keep your actual cryptocurrency.

By making use of this valid but completely fake Bitcoin tool, tracing back to you is impossible and your electronic wallet stays safe.

Use our fake BTC sending tool for privacy

Users of cryptocurrency would always want to ensure that their privacy is maintained and their real bitcoin addresses are kept private until when there is an actual need. Nowadays,  Bitcoin addresses have become hotcakes for web hackers, especially since the value of the cryptocurrency has greatly increased in the past few years.

A 100 dollars’ worth of Bitcoins would be worth much more, perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars in Bitcoins. So having a fake Bitcoin address generator that offers valid but fake and untraceable Bitcoin addresses are becoming necessary.

How does a Bitcoin generator work to generate Fake Bitcoin Transactions?

  • Firstly, input the sender and receiver’s bitcoin addresses.
  • Proceed to input the amount for the particular transaction.
  • Next, click on “Generate“
  • The Bitcoin Generator Software will generate a live blockchain link. This will enable you to track the transaction, making it look real. However, the transaction will disappear after 48hours.
  • The generated transaction link will look like this –> Bitcoin Transaction 39712e79a5426fcf3mn51cc6e1f05166ag24e8eeab26c41d5a7d74784b82ebda

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